What I Use for Work and Play

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the hardware, software, tools, etc I use for work and play.


Check out this post for my streaming specific setup!



  • 1password for managing my passwords, can share vaults to manage multiple users of one account

  • Adobe Creative Cloud for most A/V and digital graphics needs

    • Light Room for photo cropping, rotating, color grading, can purchase or find presets to create stylistic photography quickly
    • Photoshop for photo editing, removing backgrounds or people, touch ups, creating digital ads and marketing materials like flyers, banners, etc
    • After Effects for adding visual effects to video
    • Premiere Pro for editing quality videos for vlogging, screencasting, streaming, etc
    • Audition for editing movie audio and podcasts
    • Media Queue for managing exports of videos and audio from Adobe apps
  • Alfred for quick search on computer, web, and for workflows (automate tasks)

    • Div is an Alfred plugin that lets you resize windows to specific dimensions, I use it to size windows to 1920x1080 when I stream
  • Discord for communication, mostly play and a bit of career focus chat

  • Dropbox for cloud based file storage

  • Folx for managing torrents

  • Giphy Capture for making sweet sweet gifs

  • iTerm2 for a better terminal experience

  • krisp.ai for removing background noise from my audio during screencasting, streaming, or video conferencing

  • Magnet for organizing my windows

  • Quip for documents and spreadsheets for work

  • Screenflow for recording screencasts, can also be used for minor video editing instead of using Adobe Premiere Pro

  • Sketch for digital graphics needs (I prefer Adobe but a lot of folks use Sketch so good to have/know)

  • Skype for streaming with guests

  • Slack for communication, mostly work and career-focused chat

  • OBS for streaming

  • VLC for watching videos

  • VSCode for coding

  • Zoom for video calls, workshops, online talks or conferences


  • Anchor for managing podcast releases

  • Epidemic Sound for copy right safe music and sounds

  • Fiverr for design work

  • Envato Market for one off assets (audio, video, graphics, etc)

  • Netlify for deploying JAMstack apps and serverless functions

  • Render for deploying backend services, databases, and cron jobs

  • Zapier for process management and automating administrative type tasks

  • Zencastr for recording podcasts

Chrome Extentions

  • Zap Push kick of Zapier zaps from the browser

  • React Devtools tools to help with React development

  • Apollo Devtools tools to help with Apollo development

  • Refined GitHub adds extra functionality and features to GitHub

  • Lighthouse generate Lighthouse scores for sites you visit or develop

  • Color by Fardos generate color schemes from colors

  • JSON Viewer convert raw JSON into a more human readable/traversable format

  • 1password quickly add items to 1password or autofill/copy and paste credentials into logins

  • Zoom add zoom meetings to Google calendar invites


  • ZSH for improved terminal UX

  • nvm manage node environments

  • spaceship ZSH theme

  • tsdx bootstrap TypeScript projects (supports React)

VSCode Setup

VSCode screenshot


  • Icons are from Material Icon Theme
  • Syntax highlighting is from Apollo Midnight theme 🚀
  • Font is MonoLisa
  • Terminal is spaceship theme for ZSH 🚀


  • Apollo GraphQL for intellisense for GraphQL and request timing estimates
  • Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 to track bracket closings
  • GitHub Pull Requests to manage PRs from within VSCode
  • GitLens for indepth git information including inline commit info
  • Import Cost see how big imports used in your projects are
  • indent-rainbow to track indentation
  • Live Share to share my editor with other devs for pairing
  • Material Icon Theme to stylize the overall theme of VSCode and get icons for file types
  • MDX for syntax highlighting
  • MDX Preview to preview MDX docs including embedded components
  • Path Intellisense get intellisense on path based imports, great for larger projects
  • Peacock adds a color theme to VSCode windows so you can tell them apart when you have multiple open
  • Prettier format code!
  • Streamdeck for VSCode to use my streamdeck to control VSCode
  • vscode-spotify control spotify from VSCode
