Why I Started Forthright

Over the last year, I've spoken with VCs, founders, VPs, and directors, all of which had a very similar story. They know that developer experience is vital to any developer-focused product, but they aren't sure where to start or what they need.

I've also spoken with team leads, managers, and individual contributors about the issues they're facing with things like measuring and reporting on their work, keeping their responsibilities properly scoped to their role, and a lot more.

I believe that the same situation is responsible for both of these problems. A lack of definition and structure in the developer experience field confuses decision-makers and makes it difficult for teams to succeed.

Forthright provides me with a rare opportunity to help the developer experience field as a whole and many companies, teams, and individuals along the way. Essentially, it's how I feel I can have the most impact by better defining the developer experience field for the betterment of everyone.

There is another reason as well. In my 10+ years in the tech industry, I have seen companies mistreat, underpay, overwork, and toss employees when they are done with them all for the sake of revenue. Not all companies are like this, but there are more than enough of them to raise concern. Each new job you take on is a gamble, and there is no way to know until it happens.

Capitalism is a system I wish to not participate in, yet I have to provide for myself and the people I care about. Starting a company is my way of exiting the company-employee relationship. I now only deal with companies as another company and benefit from contracts that better protect me from mistreatment or harm.

My company will never take on any employees but will always find ways to empower the community through sub-contracting and other opportunities for sponsorship like providing free training and job referrals to individuals from marginalized communities.

I'm nervous and excited about the future of Forthright and I hope it becomes a name that is respected and trusted in the developer community. 💜