Throttling GraphQL Subscription Events in React

I recently came across a situation where I needed to throttle incoming subscription events and it ended up being quite an interesting problem to solve!

In most situations you will want to make an update to your UI as soon as you recieve a new event from the server, however, this isn't always the case. What happens when what you do with each event when you need to ensure a particular action completes with the last event before you make any updates to your UI. An example of this is running an animation when you recieve an event, or showing a notification.

In my particular usecase I needed to show an animation and display a follower name for 3 seconds before handling the next event from the server. Without some sort of mechanism to throttle the events, this wouldn't be easy to solve with only useEffect. If you don't believe me, check out this thread on Twitter.

After trying many implementations and having some pretty complex effects using lots of state and refs, I decided to give generators a try.

Another possible solution for this would be Observables.

The Solution

I ended up using @reapeaterjs/react-hooks and I'm extremely happy with the outcome! Here is the resulting hook in full.

import { gql, useApolloClient } from "@apollo/client";
import { useValue, useRepeater } from "@repeaterjs/react-hooks";
import { useEffect } from "react";

  subscription Follow {

export default function useFollows() {
  const client = useApolloClient();
  const [follows, push, stop] = useRepeater();

  useEffect(() => {
    const unsubscribe = client
      .subscribe({ query: FOLLOW_SUBSCRIPTION })
        next: ({ data }) => {

    return () => {
  }, [push, stop, client]);

  const value = useValue(async function* () {
    for await (const follow of follows) {
      yield follow;
      await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 3000));

  return value;

The Breakdown

First I set up the repeater. This gives me a generator with promise-like behavior. It allows me to push items onto a stream and then close it off with stop. Those items can be read by calling follows.next() or by setting up an async loop that will run each time a new item is found.

Next I used the useValue hook so that the hook will update with the next follower. Because we're inside of this async iterator, I can use a Promise with the await keyword to prevent the loop from iterating on the next item in the queue. The loop function won't run again until all async work in scope completes:

The last step was to wire up the repeater to the incoming subscription events!

And that's it! I now have a queue component that will throttle incoming follows and no matter how fast those events come in, this hook will only ever update with a new one every three seconds.