Body Weight Only(ish) Fitness Resources

It's not always possible to have gym equipment available, whether your traveling or you're social distancing due to a pandemic, sometimes you need to fitness without equipment. Here's a list of some of my favorite resources for body weight workouts!

Some services are free, some are paid. I'm not paid to promote any of them.

My Favorite Body Weight Workouts

  • For 20 minutes do as many rounds of possible of:
    • 5 pull ups
    • 10 push ups
    • 15 air squats
  • For time do (scale v-ups to sit ups):
    • 21 burpees and v-ups
    • 15 burpees and v-ups
    • 9 burpees and v-ups
    • rest 3 minutes
    • 9 burpees and v-ups
    • 15 burpees and v-ups
    • 21 burpees and v-ups
  • 100 burpees (you'll hate yourself after this one)
  • Running intervals of:
    • 400m run
    • rest 2min
    • 400m run
    • rest 1.5min
    • 400m run
    • rest 1min
    • 400m run
    • rest .5min
    • 400m run
    • rest 5 minutes and repeat
  • For time do:
    • 21 air squats and handstand push ups
    • 15 air squats and handstand push ups
    • 9 air squats and handstand push ups
  • For time do 2x:
    • 21 pull ups and push ups
    • 15 pull ups and push ups
    • 9 pull ups and push ups
  • For time:
    • 60 strict handstand push-ups
    • run 200m every time you break on handstand push-ups